
Saturday, 26 January 2013

The Bath time Basket.....

The Bath Time Basket.....

Children's bath toys can sometimes be expensive. This idea for a bath time play basket, houses lots of items to explore and use in the water. I use these with the parents and children for week 2 of our programme for routines.

The basket itself is a simple wipe clean one. Contents vary within the baskets I use. the contents in this one include:

* Plastic plant pots that act as sieves.
* Tea strainers
* Scoops
* Washing powder jug
* Bath mitt - apart from using to bathe your child, they can be used for story telling and singing songs with
* Safety mirror - children often enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror, howwever do you ever give them the opportunity to see themselves with wet shampooed hair? Give it a go and watch for their reactions.
* Funnels and empty plastic water or shapoo bottles (pouring and filling)
* Bath time book
* Bath time scrubbie - this is great for sensory as well as floating and sinking
* Rubber gloves used to be added too. Pin pricks were pout into the tips of every finger and water then added. When squeezed the glove would make a great water gun for the bath or garden. HOWEVER - lots more children are being diagnosed as allergic to latex and so I have withdrawn these now.
* Rubber ducks - the old tradition. Great for singing and counting.
* Alphabet letters that stick to the side of the bath. Lower case letters are used !

Have a go at making one of these with your child and see what you can find in your home to put in yours....Have Fun!

Sarah x

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