
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

I want to be a Dinosaur.......brilliant lyrics in this song to go along any Dinosaur themed project.

I love this song and the children love this can hear the way its sung on the below : )
Music and lyrics: John Rickey    

I want to be a dinosaur
thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.
I want to be a dinosaur
crash, boom, bang, bang, crash, smash!
I want to be a T-rex King
bite, bite, crunch, crunch, roar!
I just want to be a dinosaur
thump, thump, thump!


I want to be a dinosaur
blump, blump, blump, blump, blump.
I want to be a dinosaur
zing, zang, zoggle, doggle, doo, boo!
I want to be a Long Neck too.
chomp, chomp, clomp clomp, roar!
I want to be a dinosaur
thump, thump, thump.

I want to be a dinosaur
ching, ching, chong, chong, chang
I want to be a dinosaur
bing, bang, boom, bash, crash, smash!
I want to be a dinosaur
scratch, bite, crunch, crash, roar!
I want to be a dinosaur
thump, thump, thump.
(Make your own dinosaur noise!)

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