
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Sock monkeys

Sock Monkeys.....

I love singing the song 5 little monkeys jumpoing on the bed and 5 little monkeys swinging in the trees, shouting hey Mr Crocodile you cant catch me.......

The trouble is I never have enough monkeys for all the children.  So I decided to make some....out of socks.  The great things about these monkeys is that they dont just act as a prop to sing the song, they also act to develop colour recognition, pattern recognition, sensory play and can help to develop awareness of size as you can make them in various sizes.

All you need to complete:
One pair of socks or use two different socks that the washing machine didn't manage to swallow up.  Toy stuffing, felt pieces or buttons and cotton.  You can find many great patterns on the net to follow to cut up your pieces and hey presto... you have the best sock monkeys money can buy as they are cheap to make and can be used to aid many development areas : )



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