
Thursday, 22 January 2015

Books and stories with babies ....Part 2

Introducing books at an early age helps develop the skills needed to be able to learn to read

They will learn how to handle books, e.g. how to turn the pages and how to enjoy the pictures.

When looking at the pictures they learn to recognise objects.  Pictures are a very important part of storybooks - even babies point at pictures.  When you talk about the pictures it helps them gain information from them which is a skill they can use when they come to learn to read.

Books are a great source of vocabulary for young children.  Sharing books helps a child to settle and encourages attention and concentration skills which are vital to be able to learn effectively. 

Libraries welcome babies and toddlers.  Babies can join the library from birth.  Don't worry if a book is lost or damaged, there are no fines to pay for books taken out on a child's card.

Tips on how to share books with babies

  • Find a quiet place and turn off the TV and radio so there are no distractions and background noise
  • Model how to hold a book and turn pages
  • Point and name things in pictures as well as talking about the pictures
  • Encourage prediction (lift the flap books are perfect for this)
  • Show how words go from left to right when they get a bit older by running a finger under them as you read
  • Use different voices and sounds, facial expressions and gestures
  • Use props such as puppets.  This helps books come to life and give your baby something to hold onto that relates to the story

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