
Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Family faces...

We have been working on some new resources in the office lately as we have rebranded and have three new programmes that we will be running with our families.  We are now called Chatterbox 'Learning to Talk' and run an eight week baby, eight week toddler and eight week pre-school lots of fun times ahead!

This resource 'Family faces' gives lots of opportunities for talking and playing together and can be used with all age groups.  Include pictures of family members as well as pets.  This particular set was made for babies.

Items needed:

Box with a lid - simple gift boxes or similar

Jam jar lids washed out and dried

Photographs that can be cut up -use the jam jar to draw around the faces, cut them out, laminate or use sellotape to protect them and stick them into the lids.

A great resource which can be used time and time again : )


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