
Sunday, 13 September 2015

Sticky mats

One of the best things you can do in Autumn is to go on a scavenger hunt and see what you can find.  One of the best ways to collect and save your finds is to give your child a home made sticky mat.

You can then share your finds and chat about what you have found along your journey.

To make a sticky may you will need:

  • A piece of cardboard (I used an A4 piece cut in half into A5)
  • Sticky backed plastic
  • Sellotape
1. Cut the sticky backed plastic to the same size as the cardboard.

2. You then need to then place sellotape along the topside of the plastic, bending it over so it is taped to the cardboard.

3. You then need to pull the paper away from the plastic toward the top you have just sealed, folding the paper over and sellotape the edges of the plastic all around to the cardboard.  It should look like this:

4. The white paper piece will protect the sticky section until you go on your scavenger hunt to find treasures, which will stick really well to the mat.

5. The treasures can then be covered with the white paper piece to keep the finds protected so that the children are able to take them home and talk about their day and their journey with family and friends.

 Really easy and cost effective to make : )

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