
Sunday, 1 November 2015

I love you as big as the world sensory walk

This story is so lovely to share between parents / carers and young children that it lent itself straight away to making a sensory walk for the families to experience together.  The families were able to complete the walk at different times during the session as there were other activities and resources on offer to explore related to the story.

The story was read by each family who had a copy each to share.  As they read the story they experienced the sensory walk together.  Some of the key story pieces were completed the previous week by the families ready for the story walk inclusive of the earth, fish, sun etc.

For the purpose of the story if you have not come across it before I have added a you tube clip which shows the story in all its glory.

This is the sensory story walk in photographic step by step pages....

1, I love you as big as the world

Textured wallpaper was used for the background to add more of a sensory feel.  Different textured fabrics were used for the stars.

2. I love you as deep as the sea

Various fabrics were used again to represent different rocks under the sea including silver mesh and sparkly fabric.  The seaweed is embroidered fabric which was both rough and smooth.  The  starfish was cut out of sandpaper.

3. I love you as bright as the sun

Sand was added to the paint as the bears in the book are lying down on the beach.

4. I love you and you love me

 A sensory garden was added as the characters are lying together in the garden.

5. I love you as blue as the sky

Textured soft clouds were added to the smooth sensory sky

6. I love you as long as the day

Textured fabric ted 

7. I love you as high as the mountain top

Sensory rocks and mountains with cotton wool snow

8. I love you as strong as the wind

Sensory swish swashy grass.  We also had tissue paper leaves and feathers for the adult to blow over the children when they got to this point.

9. I love you as soft as the dew

Bubble wrap footprints 

10. I love you as far as a star

Literally a glittery trail.  However we also added a telescope and some binoculars for the children to search for a star, which were home made.

11.  I love you because you are you!

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