
Sunday, 15 November 2015

Talking and pretending....

Pretend play, fantastic for developing creativity, imagination as well as talking and listening skills.

Do you remember what pretend play you took part in when you were little?  Personally I loved using my hairbrush to sing with and using my sisters clips and ribbons to play hairdressers.  I can remember it well, happy memories.

It doesn't have to cost anything for pretend play, just have a look around your house and see what you can find.  Here are some ideas:

  • Den building - use old sheets, curtains. blankets and the clothes pegs to make a den.  You can use under the table or pull the sofa out.  Add cushions to make it cosy.  If its a bit dark add a torch too,  The list is endless....see what you can come up with.

image taken from:
  • Dressing up - go through your wardrobe and see what you have that the children can use as well as their toy boxes.  They love wearing your shoes, handbags, accessories etc to pretend.

Image taken from:

  • Cardboard boxes -  Supermarkets / shops recycle these.  You can get some great sizes.  Did anyone watch the MacDonalds advert a couple of months ago? Children playing with nothing but empty cardboard boxes in different sizes.  What can we be.....a robot,  a spaceman, a princess in a castle etc....just a little imagination, maybe add some colouring pens etc and away you go.  You can cut out windows and doors,,,act out fairy tales or nursery rhymes.

Image taken from:

  • Play shop...see the previous post about empty food packaging
  • Play vets - add cuddly toys.  Cushions could be the beds.
  • Play hairdressers - add combs, brushes, clips, ribbons etc.  Add teddies and dolls as extra customers.
How to make a post office:

A great idea for pretend play when your child has visited the real one with you.

You will need:

  • An empty cereal packet
  • old envelopes and postcards (keep the junk mail that comes through your door - great for this)
  • Old stamps or sticky labels
  • Glue stick
  • Blank forms (that you can pick up from the post office when you visit to add to the play)
  • Pencils, pens, crayons etc
  • scrap paper of different sizes
  • Post office sign (you can make one by drawing it or possibly print one out)

You can play at the table or use two dining chairs turned sideways (seat in) for a counter.  Add a tray too.  

Cut a slit in the cereal packet to make a letterbox.  Write letters together, address the envelope and stick a stamp on it.  Fill in the forms.  Add some money (real or play money) to buy stamps or other items you can add.

Most of all join in the play to not only develop language skills but to make fantastic memories.

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