
Thursday, 18 February 2016

'When Goldilocks went to the house of the Bears' rhyme

This is one of my all time favourite rhymes.  I like to sing this one with the families during our 'the importance of books and stories week' as I use the Goldilocks prop bag which I have put together using items from around the home..... 3 x teddy bears, a doll, 3 x bowls in different sizes and 3 x spoons in different sizes.  I have also added some picture of the chairs and beds in different sizes which I printed off from the internet and laminated to make them last.  Remember if you don't have a laminator you can use sellotape to cover them to make them last too.   It doesn't have to cost anything to make a prop bag just a good search around your home to see what you can use.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

Oh what did her blue eyes see?

A bowl that was huge, a bowl that was small

And a bowl that was tiny and that was all

She counted them 1, 2, 3

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

Oh what did her blue eyes see?

A chair that was huge, a chair that was small

And a chair that was tiny and that was all

She counted them 1, 2, 3

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

Oh what did her blue eyes see?

A bed that was huge, a bed that was small

And a bed that was tiny and that was all

She counted them 1, 2, 3

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

Oh what did her blue eyes see?

A bear that was huge, a bear that was small

And a bear that was tiny and that was all

They growled at her ‘Grr, grr, grr’

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