
Monday, 2 May 2016

Pictorial shopping list

We all have to go shopping for food on a weekly basis.  Personally I try to avoid the manic times when its busier as it makes me feel like screaming with everyone pushing past and frantically rushing around.

SO....if I feel like that I often wonder how children feel when they are having to go at these times?

We have so much to fit into each day that we have to go when its convenient.  

However if you get a chance to go when its quieter with your child here's a simple idea to make it fun....

A home made pictorial shopping list:

Using supermarket flyers, sit with your little one and talk about the foods you buy and eat as well as other items in the home such as toothpaste, loo roll etc.

Find matching pictures from the flyers, cut them out together, glue to a sheet of paper and hey presto you have your pictorial list ready.

When it's quieter your little one can be encouraged to look for the items in the relevant isles.

This is a great activity to develop:

  • Language skills
  • Matching skills
  • Cutting skills
as well handling real money if you let them pay for a few items.  This is really important as most of us these days pat for our shopping with a plastic card.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you very much for sharing these links. Will definitely check this out.. 성인용품도매점
