
Sunday, 12 June 2016

Ice play

With all the lovely warm weather we have been having at the moment until today typically, I have been exploring ideas for ice play.

The imagination tree in particular has some fantastic ideas.  Pop on over to have a look:

I thought i would have a go at making an ice block myself filled with interesting items to discover and talk about.  Lots of opportunities for:

  • Discovering - the properties of water turning to ice and then melting (liquid, solid, liquid)
  • Problem solving
  • Lots of opportunities for language development
Items needed:

  • Container for the ice block to be made.  I used an old ice cream container
  • Jug of water
  • Selection of interesting items that both sink and float to make sure that the ice block isn't one sided
  • Glitter to add a bit of sparkle (optional)
  • Food colouring - optional (I only used glitter)
Once you have added your items and the water pop in the freezer.  

* Children should be supervised at all times as young children could choke on the ice if left unsupervised.

What can you see so far? Shape, colours, patterns..... anything else?

What about now?.........

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